If you are thinking about joining us for the first time, here is a simple guide to the basic 'rules' you may have to follow on a hunting day. These rules will hopefully help you to enjoy your day and keep yourself and horse as safe as possible.
At the start of the day the members of the field will be told who the dedicated field masters are including jumping and non-jumping field masters. It is really important that at all times you stay behind the field masters you are following this is to insure your safety and everyone around you.
The Huntsman and Whips have the job of ensuring we all have a good days hunting.
Start time





When you come out Hunting you should always face your horses head to hounds. This will allow the horse to see the hounds and prevent any hounds from getting kicked by your horse.
As we know to our cost, a horse can kill a hound with a kick so best to be safe.
When jumping make sure you give your field master plenty of room as well as the person in front of you. Make sure you give them a chance to clear the fence this ensures that you do not land on them if they fall.
This is extremely advisable if you are new to hunting or jumping.
If you have any questions on the day, you can ask either one of the masters who will be wearing a green hunt coat with a blue collar. You can also speak and ask any questions to the secetary and everyone would be happy to help.Â
If you ever intend on leaving the day early because your horse is tired or you need to go home please let a field master know that you intend on going home. The foot followers will be able to direct you back to the meet along with the field masters.
If it is your first time out with the BBHC you will have signed a disclaimer ready to hand in to the Secetary who will take your cap at the start of the day.
Its best that you go find the secretary before you mount your horse. the secetary will normally be located with the hounds or will be wearing BBHC clothing.
For a hunting day we stress that your horse is fit enough to do 8-12 mile round ride that is covered over 3 hours with short breaks and canter work.
We like to see horses smartly turned out this including
Having clean tack
Have groomed and washed your horse to the best of your standard
Have plaited and hoof oiled.
Green- if it is your or your horses first time out hunting you should tie a green ribbon in your horses tail.
Red- if your horses has ever showed any signs of kicking before you should always tie a red ribbon in your horses tale.
This lets other riders aware to give you some space.
Please when joining us on a hunting day we like to ask that you are smartly turned out this mean you are wearing the following.
Hacking jackets for under 18's
Black/Navy hunt coat
White/Blue shirt
Tie or White Stock
Black hat silk
Beige or White Jodpurs
Long Black/Brown boots
On a Hunting day we advise people to meet for 11am to move off at 11:30am.
Sometimes it can be a reasonable ride from the unboxing to the meet so we like to ask that to anyone joining us to give themselves plenty of time.